Photos » Class 47s
Photos of Class 47s in Scotland
1Z18 by PIERSHILL2001
1Z18 by PIERSHILL2001
1Z17 by PIERSHILL2001
47712 INSCH 26.2.23 (1).jpg by big55012
47712 INSCH 26.2.23 (2).jpg by big55012
47614 and 47593 at Cowlairs North Jnc. by 50020smarties
5Z19 by PIERSHILL2001
1Z63 by PIERSHILL2001
1Z63 by PIERSHILL2001
1Z77 by PIERSHILL2001
Inverkeithing Belle by billr
Calton 47815 by billr
47815 by 37601
47815 by 37601
1Z75 by PIERSHILL2001
47812 by 37601
47802 by 37601
47802 by 37601
1Z37 LSL Private Charter @ Rannoch by colin
1Z36 LSL Private Charter @ Bridge of Orchy by colin
Inverkeithing Belle by billr
1Z70 by PIERSHILL2001
47593 on 5Z47 by PIERSHILL2001
LSL D1935 (47805) on Amway Private Charter by colin
47643 by 37601
1Z76 by PIERSHILL2001
47812 NORTHERN BELLE E.C.S. PERTH-ABDN STONEHAVEN 5.6.22. 57314 ON REAR.jpg by big55012
47614 at Carlisle by BigJack
Northern Belle Approaching Crianlarich by colin
47812 Curriehill by stanley
47813 Curriehill by stanley
5Z23 by PIERSHILL2001
5Z23 by PIERSHILL2001
47802 at Stirling by Clydeside311
WC 47425 @ Crianlarich by colin
1Z19 by PIERSHILL2001
47802 by stanley
Work Site Shuttle Formed Up! by colin
WC 47854 Shunting at Bridge of Orchy by colin
Class 47 by Franktorbrex67
LSL 47614 @ Arisaig by colin
LSL 47593 "Galloway Princess" @ Mallaig by colin
1Z37 The Statesman by PIERSHILL2001
47614 & 47493 - Gleneagles - 27/02/2022 by Gleneagles
Galloway Assistant by TractorThroth
47593 and 37521 Larbert by GuyHouston
47828 by 37601
1Z31 by PIERSHILL2001
1Z61 by PIERSHILL2001
1Z36 by PIERSHILL2001