Photos » Class 60s
Photos of Class 60s in Scotland
6A65 Oxwellmains to Aberdeen Cement by D3541
60026 6B32 150816 Leuchars by Roy_The_Mouth
60026 6B32 150816 Leuchars by Roy_The_Mouth
60026 6B32 150816 West Ferry by Roy_The_Mouth
60026 6A65 150816 Dundee Camperdown Jn by Roy_The_Mouth
60026 6A65 150816 Invergowrie by Roy_The_Mouth
60087 6A65 110816 Dundee New Tanks by Roy_The_Mouth
60026_6H51_Oxwellmains to Inverness by RabbyB
60002 passes Larbert with 6A65 for Aberdeen. 4.8.16 by gazhamilton
60026 6A65 060716 Broughty Ferry by Roy_The_Mouth
60002 @ Gleneagles - 02 July 2016 by Gleneagles
6K20 at Gleneagles by Gleneagles
6H51 Oxwellmains - Inverness - 60002 by RabbyB
60076 passes Larbert with 6A65 for Aberdeen. 15.6.16 by gazhamilton
60002 passes Larbert with 6A65 for Aberdeen. 1.6.16 by gazhamilton
60085 passes Castlecary with 6D61 for Grangemouth. 30.5.16 by gazhamilton
Early Avgas by Clydewatcher
56113, 60085 & 095 stabled at Fouldubs. by gazhamilton
Cement at Arbroath by nixer10
Cement at Arbroath by nixer10
60002 by johnbushell
6D62 by PIERSHILL2001
60085 by johnbushell
60085 passes Larbert with 6A65 for Aberdeen. by gazhamilton
60076 6B32 260416 Dundee by Roy_The_Mouth
60076 by johnbushell
60076 passes Larbert with 6A65 for Aberdeen. 31.04.16 by gazhamilton
Class 60 by Franktorbrex67
60076 6B32 290316 Elliot by Roy_The_Mouth
Tanks by Clydeside311
60076 on 6H51 - Oxwellmains - Inverness Cement by RabbyB
60076 by johnbushell
60087 - 6A65 Oxwellmains - Aberdeen by RabbyB
60087 - 6A65 Oxwellmains - Aberdeen by RabbyB
60087 at Carnoustie by dmallan
colas class 60 076 by Dazz1429
60076 at Carnoustie by dmallan
60076 by johnbushell
60076 6A65 150216 West Ferry by Roy_The_Mouth
60076 by johnbushell
Colas cement by clarkc
Tug, tanks & tundra by clarkc
cements at hillington west by maynard
60021 Dundee Central Junction by dhtulyar
60076 at Carnoustie by dmallan
60076 at Carnoustie by dmallan
60076 on 6B32 by Lordoftheisles
60076 by johnbushell
60002 by holbeck
60002 by holbeck