Photos » Class 66s
Photos of Class 66s in Scotland
6S50 nearly 0S50 by PIERSHILL2001
4E04 by PIERSHILL2001
GBRf 66739 (Bluebell Railway) @ Waverley by colin
GwT 66 by billr
Thornton 66s by billr
Bristol on Autoballasters by TractorThroth
Cameron Bridge 66122 by billr
Cameron Bridge 66031 by billr
Cameron Bridge east end by billr
GBRf 66746 @ Upper Tyndrum by colin
Bay 66s by billr
Taking the Scenic Route by TractorThroth
4E04 by PIERSHILL2001
Kirkcaldy RDT by billr
4S57 by PIERSHILL2001
Oxwellmains Coal Trial by virginhst
6E30 by PIERSHILL2001
66585 on 6K35 Rail Delivery Train by sunnybraes
Midday Maritime by TractorThroth
4E04 by PIERSHILL2001
6X69 by billr
6E45 by PIERSHILL2001
66748 Safer Think Before You Act by PIERSHILL2001
3Q99 returning South by PIERSHILL2001
6S50 107 minutes Early by PIERSHILL2001
4E04 by PIERSHILL2001
66744 Rescues Aberdeen Sleeper by sunnybraes
3Q99 Diverted by PIERSHILL2001
6S50 176 Minutes Early by PIERSHILL2001
4E04 by PIERSHILL2001
66554 diverted 4S59 by stanley
4S57 by PIERSHILL2001
Dalgety Bay Royal Scotsman by billr
4E04 by PIERSHILL2001
GBRf 66733 (Cambridge PSB) @ Garelochhead by colin
66426 on 4D47 Stirling 8.5.23 by makwuzere
Fresh Orange by robinbarnes
New Loco GBRf 66302 on Alcan Run by colin
4E04 by PIERSHILL2001
Marking of the Past by TractorThroth
66302 by robinbarnes
Inspiration and Luck Delivered by TractorThroth
66 044 at Muirhouse S. Jnc. by 50020smarties
Royal Aberdour by billr
Blackford 66431 by billr
Here is one I took Earlier of 66734 (Old) by PIERSHILL2001
Platinum Jubilee 5Z91 by PIERSHILL2001
66734 Niddrie Junction 27/03/2023 by tmz06003
66734 Craigmillar 31/03/2012 by tmz06003
Late Running 4E04 by PIERSHILL2001