Photos » Major Projects - Airdrie to Bathgate
Photos showing work on the Airdrie - Bathgate Rail Link Project
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Slack wires at Bathgate by des
Hillend Loch fishing club footbridge by des
Near the fishing club by des
Caldercruix by des
Drumgelloch by des
Airdrie Station by des
Set 320321 "The Rt Hon John Smith QC MP" at Airdrie Station by des
IMG_1453.JPG by darrel
A-B_TestTrain4 by Harvie
A-B_TestTrain3 by Harvie
A-B_TestTrain2 by Harvie
airdrie 15 june 2010 by darrel
IMG_2587.jpg by jmy
jmy_21032008_2612.jpg by jmy
jmy110308_1232.jpg by jmy
jmy_15112007_2512.jpg by jmy
jmy_15112007_2500.jpg by jmy
IMG_3922.jpg by jmy
IMG_3934.jpg by jmy
IMG_2628.jpg by jmy
IMG_3929.jpg by jmy
IMG_2640.jpg by jmy
"Thats one BIG lampost!" by Danny
A new waiting room at Uphall by Danny
Tamper At Uphall by Danny
New footpath at Uphall Station by Danny
60021 'Star of The East' at Uphall by Danny
2008_03110030.JPG by bigbuck
Guess Location 3. 31190..jpg by DAH
Guess location 2. 66006.jpg by DAH
Guess Location 1. 66712..jpg by DAH
Livi North 22/10/07 by Andrew
View from Kingsridge West O/B looking East on 22/10/07 by Andrew
View from Kingsridge West O/B looking West 22/10/07 by Andrew
Under Camps Rigg O/B 22/10/07 by Andrew
Camps Rigg O/B 22/10/07 by Andrew
Uphall Station 22/10/07 (2) by Andrew
Uphall Station 22/10/07 by Andrew
Roman Camp 22/10/07 by Andrew
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